What We Offer

Our Services


We are the large-scale distributor of mobile devices & accessories, especially in CIS countries. We have been officially cooperating with Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Meizu Companies, selling their products.

As has been mentioned in the corporate mission, we are always developing our business operations by acquiring more clients in the destined regions to be reliable sales channel between the afore-stated electronics companies and our clients.


We also operate different chains of electronic retail stores at different locations of the word, where customers can reach the market-leading mobile brands at hot prices.

Currently, we have been focusing on our chain of electronics stores as the main source of our retail sales channel. Along with this, we are going to develop our retail sales with sourcing our stores with our own electronics brand to provide broader range of consumer electronics products.


Proudly, based on our experience and competence in the global electronics market, We have recently launched our own brands – Premier, which is specialised to manufacture consumer electronics products.

Premier is not just a production line of Amir Group, but the strategically launched brand with the team of creators behind it, to turn Premier into the reliable consumer electronics manufacturer of the region. As the corporate vision of Amir Group, we believe that Premier is going to be the face of our company, sourcing not only our electronics stores, but also other stores in the market .

Our Partners

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Proudly, with the companies shown above, we have been cooperating with them as their reliable sales partner in the destined regions. We hope that we will remain constant as their trusted sales channel in the market, promoting their products to our clients in the regions based on our knowledge & experience in this market.